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Sunday 19 January 2014

   -        She is a beautiful lady with a nice smile.
2-    She is wearing a pretty bright dress.
3-    She is wearing a multi-coloured necklace.
4-    She is wearing a two-tone dress, the top part is white and the bottom part is light green.
5-    She has long black curly hair.
6-    There is a white velvet bow in her hair.
7-    She is tanned.
8-    She is a very trendy lady and she looks like she follows new trends.
9-    She is wearing a nice green watch on her right hand.

1-  She has big eyes.

1-    She is a beautiful trendy lady.
2-    She is wearing big black stylish sunglasses.
3-     She is covering her hair with a purple head scarf.
4-     She is wearing a nice brown bracelet on her right hand.
5-    She is wearing a long black dress.
6-    She is wearing multi-coloured jewellery on her left hand.
7-    She has black hair.
8-    She is a pretty slim woman.
9-    She is in her 20s.
10-           She has lovely small lips.

1-    She is an active beautiful girl.
2-    She is wearing a short red patterned skirt.
3-    She has dark brown shoulder length hair.
4-    She is carrying a sliver handbag.
5-    She is wearing a black jacket.
6-    She is wearing a wonderful gold necklace.
7-                She is medium height.
8-                She has beautiful small black eyes.
9-                She has a nice smile with beautiful white teeth.
10-           She is Asian.


She is in her mid20s. She is wearing a grey hooded jumper that has long sleeves. Also, she is wearing tight sky blue jeans. She is a beautiful tall and slim woman with smiley small lips. She has fair hair and a ponytail. She has amazing brown eyes.

He is in his late 20s. He is a handsome man who has short black curly hair, a short beard and a moustache. He has a smiley face with small black eyes. He is medium height and built. He is wearing a plain dark grey shirt and loose blue jeans with a belt. He is also wearing black shoes.

She is in her early 30s. She is a good-looking woman who has long dark brown hair. She has big black eyes and smiley lips. Also, she is medium height and built. She is wearing a light orange jacket with a checked backpack. She is carrying a big grey book. She is also wearing tight blue jeans.

Khalid R
He is about 35.
He has broad shoulders.
He is very handsome.
He has thick eyebrows.
He is wearing an orange jacket.
He is wearing a colourful scarf.
He is wearing a metal watch.
He has brown wavy hair.
He is wearing white trousers.

He is wearing a yellow shirt.

She is in her 30s.
She has short brown hair.
She is tall and slim.
She is wearing heavy makeup.
She is wearing a sleeveless blue top.
She is wearing an orange vest.
She is wearing blue jeans.
She is wearing a bangle.
She is wearing a blue hat.
She is wearing black boots.

He is wearing a black cap.
He is wearing ripped jeans.
He is wearing a black jacket.
They are wearing sunglasses.
She is wearing a brown trench coat.
She is wearing a gold bangle.
She has a long black ponytail.
She is wearing black leggings.
She is wearing gold earrings.

This is Angelina Jolie, a superstar. She is a beautiful tall woman with light skin. She has long dark hair and beautiful green eyes. She is wearing a long green dress. She is pregnant and she’s in her late 30s.

This is Brad Pitt, a superstar. He is a handsome man with light skin. He has shoulder blonde hair and shining blue eyes. He has a mustache and a beard. He is wearing a V-neck grey suit. He is tall and well-built with an amazing smile. He’s in his 50s and his girlfriend is Angelina Jolie.


She is wearing a long red dress.                                        She is wearing a short blue dress.
She has brown wavy hair.                                                 She has a brown fringe.  
She is wearing a white belt.                                               She is wearing a long gold necklace.
She is wearing a V-neck dress.                                          She is a bit overweight. 
She is wearing white sandals.                                            She has small dark eyes.
She is in her 30s.                                                               She is in her 20s.
She is white.                                                                      She is white.
She is absolutely gorgeous.                                               She has blue fingers nails.        
She is medium height and well built.                                 She is short.
She is wearing a beautiful red velvet  dress.                      She is wearing a pretty blue silk dress. 
She has long white arms.                                                   She is wearing long black tights.

She has big blue eyes.                                                        She has long brown curly hair.

1. He has grey hair and a scruffy beard.

2. He is wearing a long sleeveless denim jacket.
3. He is wearing rubber boots.
4. He is wearing dark brown trousers.
5. He’s got a piece of straw in the jacket.
6. He is walking.
7. He looks upset.
8. He has deep black eyes.
9. He has a typical English nose.
10. He is white.

Extra. We can see some determination in his face.

1. She has brown shoulder length wavy hair.
2. She is smiling.
3. She is wearing a red ribbon tie.
4. She is wearing a checked shirt.
5. She is wearing a black skirt.
6. She is wearing black tights.
7. She is taking a pose.
8. She is slim.
9. She is about twenty.
10. She is Asian.


National Stereotypes

The characteristics of the Kazakhs relate to location of our country, as Kazakhstan in the middle of Eurasia, between Europe and Asia. Our people are very hospitable. If there is a celebration or an anniversary or a wedding party at least 100 people attend. Furthermore, every Kazakh has many relatives and we try to find our relatives or friends everywhere we go. We are also sociable, optimistic and tolerant people. In the past many persecuted people of different nationalities came to our land and our ancestries took all of them in. Now in Kazakhstan there are representatives of about 150 nationalities. On the other hand, Kazakh people are lazy and envious. Every person wants to be better than his or her neighbors, and also the majority of our people want to earn money easily. That’s why in Kazakhstan there are many singers and showmen. In my opinion I am a typical Kazakh, I am very hospitable and tolerant, and also I am sometimes lazy, but I do not want to be a showman.        


National Stereotypes

My country is Iraq. Iraq is one of the Middle Eastern countries. I think Iraqi people are kind and easy-going. Despite the fact that the country has suffered from wars, Iraqi people still have a sense of humour. Family is very important in Arabic culture. Extreme generosity and the ability to entertain visitors are just a few qualities of Iraqi people that are famous around the world.
On the other hand, there are many stereotypes about Arabic countries. Firstly, foreign people believe that Arabic people use camels as transportation. Generally speaking, I think most foreign people believe Arabic people are uncivilized and barbaric and that men are surrounded by women.
Finally, we shouldn’t judge other people without getting to know them first.


National Stereotypes

My name Amal, I am from Saudi Arabia and I speak Arabic. On the one hand I think Saudi people are strong individuals. We want as few rules as possible governing our lives because we have good religion which tells us how we should lead our lives. We are also very hard –working people who live to work. We also like to spend our spare time travelling. We are also optimistic and we think that if we have a family and government we can achieve anything.
On the other hand, I think we have become more materialistic because everyone wants more money. I think that is bad for our relationships with people, for example women need more time to study and work rather than for her children. Generally, people’s lifestyles are changing around the world and Saudi Arabia is no different.
Finally, there are various stereotypes about my country. For instance, people think that everyone is rich but that is not true. Furthermore, we have a strict religion but that is also incorrect because Islam is wonderful.


National Stereotypes

Generally speaking, Saudi people have positive and negative characteristics. On the positive side, Saudi people are quite generous and hospitable when welcoming guests. Also, they are traditional and proud of their Islamic culture and history. Furthermore, they are very sociable and live in big families. On the other hand, I think most Saudi people are unorganized. As a result, they are always in a hurry. Also, many people are nostalgic. Women are not allowed to drive.
The most stereotypical image of Saudi people is that they are rich and have a lot of oil. In fact, Saudi people are similar to people in other countries. There are both rich and poor people.

Khalid R

National stereotypes

This composition will describe true characteristics of Saudi people as well as stereotypes.  
First of all, Saudi people like traveling and spending leisure time in beautiful places. They often watch television for more than six hours per day. A lot of Saudi people respect women and elderly people. Because of this, the Saudis often have big families.

On the other hand, there are stereotypes about the Saudis. For instance, Saudi people use camels to travel and to carry things. People also often think that most of the Saudis are rich because of the oil. Another stereotype is that lots of Saudi people like to marry more than one woman.

To sum up, many common ideas about Saudi people are in fact stereotypical.
